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Frame conversions

Frame conversions

Example: Conversion from "launch frame" to ECI

Orbital elements are supposed known in a terrestrial frame "frozen" at a given time (called "launch" frame) defined by:

The question is then: "what are the orbital elements in ECI?".

Obviously, this question can be answered in a straightforward manner, as only RAAN is changed when changing from the launch frame to ECI. The following example shows the use of a few CelestLab functions.

// ------------
// ------------
// Date/time of frame supposed in TREF time scale: 
t0 = CL_dat_cal2cjd(2012,12,1,6,0,0);

// Longitude defining the X axis: 
lon0 = -15 * %pi/180; 

// Orbital elements (sma, ecc, inc, argp, raan, mean anomaly): 
kep_launch = [7000.e3; 0.1; 1; 0; 0.1; 0];

// Note that all frames are fixed with respect to each other
// (All velocities are relative to ECI)  

// Conversion to position and velocity:
[pos_launch, vel_launch] = CL_oe_kep2car(kep_launch); 

// Frame transformation matrix: ECF to "launch frame" at t0:
M1 = CL_rot_angles2matrix(3, lon0); 

// Frame transformation matrix: "ECF" to "ECI" at t0:
M2 = CL_fr_convertMat("ECF", "ECI", t0); 

// Composition of frame transformations (no relative angular velocities): 
// "launch frame" -> ECF followed by:  ECF -> ECI
[M, omega] = CL_rot_compose(M1, [0;0;0], -1, M2, [0;0;0], 1); 

// omega is [0;0;0], but we can still use: 
[pos_eci, vel_eci] = CL_rot_pvConvert(pos_launch, vel_launch, M, omega); 

// Or:
// M = M2*M1'
// pos_eci = M * pos_launch 
// vel_eci = M * vel_launch 

// Convert to orbital elements: 
kep_eci = CL_oe_car2kep(pos_eci, vel_eci); 


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